Trusted Sioux Falls Chiropractor
Back Specialists
At Back Specialists, we are the premier low-force chiropractors in Sioux Falls. For over 45 years our clinic director has utilized one technique on 100% of his patients. It's the Activator Method. The Activator Method, backed by clinical studies, supports its efficacy in treating musculoskeletal pain and discomfort.
Our doctors practice the Activator Method because we know that low-force, pain-free care is what our patients prefer. As an added benefit, you can rest assured that we will take the time to explain why you are having pain and work to relieve the symptoms as quickly as possible.
Dr. Bruce Jon Hagen
Sioux Falls Chiropractor
Clinic Director
Dr. Bruce Jon Hagen is a 3rd generation chiropractor in a four-generation family of 25+ chiropractors. Dr. Hagen graduated from Dordt College with a BA and Westmar College with a BS. He received his doctorate in chiropractic from the Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1977.

Dr. Sean C. Hagen
Dr. Sean C. Hagen is a 4th generation chiropractor in a family of 28+ chiropractors. Dr. Sean joined Back Specialists, LLC in South Dakota to work alongside his father in practice.
Advanced Proficiency Rating Activator Practitioner (1 of 5 in the Sioux Empire)
He studied at Baylor University as well as the University of Sioux Falls to gain his undergraduate degree; a Bachelors in Science. He received his doctorate in chiropractic from the Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa in October 2022.
Sioux Falls Chiropractor: Patient Reviews
Activator Chiropractor: FAQ
What is the Activator Method?
The Activator is a small handheld spring-loaded device used to adjust bones/joints in the spine. It is used to deliver a controlled force to move each individual vertebra back into the correct position. It is gentle and carries minimal, to no soreness after care.
Why should I choose the Activator Method?
The Activator Method is a precise and gentle approach to care. This is because the impulse delivered from the instrument is only to a specific joint. When a joint is out of alignment in the spine, it can impinge on nerve roots and cause pain. The device sends gentle force into the joint and moves it into the proper position.
The Activator Method corrects the misalignment without excessive force, twisting, or cracking. The muscles in the injured area do not have time to guard against the quick force so the joint moves effortlessly. Our patients love the Activator Method because it is less stressful on their body than manual adjustments.
Are there any side effects associated with the Activator Method?
No, there are no side effects associated with the Activator Method. In fact, when properly delivered by highly trained practitioners, you can expect a comfortable, effective, pain-free visit. Its only side effect is decreased pain and discomfort!

Do You Accept My Insurance?
We accept and are providers for Avera, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), DakotaCare, Sanford, Wellmark, and many others.
It is always best to check with your insurance carrier to determine if you have chiropractic coverage and if we are participating providers before your appointment.
If your insurance covers chiropractic, but we are not listed as a provider, let us know and we will provide you with a form to send directly to your insurance carrier. Your insurance carrier will either send you a check or apply the charges to your annual deductible and notify you accordingly.
We are also participating providers with ChiroHealth USA which is a membership program that provides discounted chiropractic services for those who are uninsured or under-insured.
More about Medicare Part B, Auto Accident Insurance, and Worker's Compensation Insurance.

Our Chiropractic Approach
Chiropractic care treats more than back and neck pain. Chiropractic care is often a chosen treatment for ailments such as allergies, menstrual symptoms, headaches, sports injuries, auto accident injuries, and pregnancy care, to name a few.
Many of our Back Specialists, LLC patients chose chiropractic maintenance care to enhance their overall health, wellness, flexibility, and well-being by visiting our office once a month which is considered maintenance care. Maintenance care, affords our patient's first-hand experience in the value of adjustments to strengthen their body's overall immune system.
Adjustments reduce the pain that causes chronic stress in our bodies so you can keep your life in motion!
Before we treat you, we need to get to know you. Getting to know you requires a first-hand account of the issues you face daily. At Back Specialists, LLC, we learn from you. We will ask you to complete comprehensive paperwork pertaining to your overall health history. During your consultation, our back doctors will use this information to dive into what ails you and what you have been doing to overcome it. Our goal at Back Specialists, LLC is the same as yours, a pain-free lifestyle!
You will receive a comprehensive physical, orthopedic, and neurological examination center focused on your specific complaints. At Back Specialists, LLC, we utilize digital x-rays as they offer a window into the physical image of your spine. After a thorough review, your chiropractor will discuss how comprehensive chiropractic care with Back Specialists, LLC can influence your overall health and well-being.
After we have had an opportunity to get to know you and your health picture, we can better provide guidance with regard to your adjustment needs. Our initial goal is to remove your pain and work to restore proper structural alignment. When proper alignment is restored, we will work with you to build strength, and increase your range of motion and flexibility. We can help you reach ultimate spinal wellness.
Care Methods:
The back doctors and staff at Back Specialists, LLC realize that our patients’ goals include a pain-free approach to the restoration of health. Many of our patients have benefited from the adjunct modalities that Back Specialists, LLC offers.
Our comprehensive list includes the following: cold laser, decompression, electrical stimulation, guided rehabilitation, hydrotherapy, inter-segmental traction, manual therapy, and ultrasound. Licensed, health care professionals provide all care rendered at our clinic.
Finding The Best Chiropractor
Everyone is looking for the best chiropractor, and rightfully so. It would be crazy to want the second-best chiropractor and even more crazy to want the worst chiropractor. But with so many chiropractors to choose from, how do you know who’s the best? That’s a great question.
The simple answer isn’t very simple at all. The best chiropractor for one person is often not the best chiropractor for someone else. That’s why one person can go around telling anyone who will listen, “My chiropractor is the best,” while another person goes around saying “That chiropractor is just OK”, and they are both talking about the same chiropractor.
If you are looking for a chiropractor, the most important thing is that you find the best chiropractor for you. That will probably require you to do a little research and have a little patience. There are a lot of chiropractors to choose from, and each of them does things a little differently than the rest.

Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wed, Sat
8:00 am – 12:00 pm